In majority of immunocompetent adults, acute HBV is a self-limiting condition (1).
Main treatment goal is to:
Treatment has little effect on altering the course and is mainly supportive.
Bed rest is preferable but is less necessary in young, previously fit persons.
In acute hepatitis B, gammaglobulin is advocated and this should help limit the disease.
Admission to hospital is recommended in the following patients:
A low-fat, high carbohydrate diet may be advised. It is popular primarily because it is highly palatable.
Measures should be taken to prevent transmission, such as careful attention to hand washing and personal hygiene. Patients are infectious for 2-3 days before and about a week after the development of jaundice.
Alcohol and potentially hepatotoxic drugs should be withdrawn, preferably for up to one year after the attack.
In fulminant acute liver failure, liver transplantation may be indicated, this however is a contentious issue. Acute liver failure has a high mortality, but the indications and timing of transplantation have yet to be determined.
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