feature | epiglottitis | croup |
organism | H. influenzae | parainfluenza virus |
age | generally 2-6 years old, may occur in older children and adults | generally less than 2 years old, may occur in children 6 months to 6 years |
onset | rapid | gradual |
site | supraglottic | subglottic |
temperature | high fever | low grade fever |
dysphagia | severe | absent (mild) |
dispnoea | +++ | variable |
drooling | present | not present |
stridor | inspiratory or expiratory | mainly inspiratory |
lymph nodes | +++ | + |
cough | not common | barking cough |
voice | muffled | hoarse |
posture | sitting forward | lying down |
behaviour | quiet; terrified | struggling |
colour | grey | pink |
X-ray | thumb sign (+) | steeple sign (+) |
previous attack | none | may have had previous attack |
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