Pergolide is an ergot-derived dopamine agonist used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Unlike other members of this drug group, it acts on both D1 and D2 receptors.
It is used as a second-line adjunct to levodopa where dyskinesias and motor variability have emerged. There is no evidence that pergolide is superior to bromocriptine for this task.
Fibrotic reactions are recognised adverse effects of ergot derivatives such as Pergolide. On the basis on adverse events reporting (Yellow Card data), pergolide seems to be associated with a higher reporting rate of such reactions in the UK compared with the other ergot-derivatives e.g. bromocriptine, cabergoline. Thus, before starting treatment with pergolide it may be appropriate to perform baseline investigations such as ESR, U and Es and a chest Xray; also if possible, especially if long-term treatment with Pergolide is envisaged, then it may be helpful to perform lung function tests (1).
Consult summary of product characteristics before prescribing this drug.
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