After cleaning the use of a barrier (e.g. Cavilon) cream will reduce redness and soreness. Some degree of mild erythema is expected. Any concerns should be reported to GP, Nutrition Nurse Specialist or discharging hospital
excoriation of stoma site
can be caused by too much movement of the feeding tube in and out of the stoma
check the position of external flange
should be treated by using an appropriate skin protector. If the area is raw and weeping further treatment may be required
seek advice from the GP, Nutritional Nurse Specialist or discharging hospital
infection around stoma site
possible signs and symptoms may include; Inflammation, redness, discharge, pain, malodour, localised heat
wound swab may be indicated
contact the patient's GP, local District Nurse or Nutrition Nurse Specialist for advice
granulation around stoma site
over granulation is a problem with some stoma sites, though its cause is still unknown it may be treated in a non traumatic way (use of double layer foam dressings, a mild prescribed steroid cream or the use of silver dressings)
silver nitrate sticks should not be used
gastric leakage from initial stoma site
if this occurs the tube may need to be adjusted
advice must be sought immediately from the GP, Nutritional Nurse Specialist or discharging hospital
skin should be protected by an appropriate skin protector
vomiting or pain associated with feeding
any of these symptoms should be reported immediately to a dietitian, doctor or Nutrition Nurse Specialist
PEG tube comes out
the PEG should only be removed by a suitably trained person, after a risk assessment has been done. Each patient with a PEG must have a replacement tube in their home for emergency use
a replacement balloon gastrostomy tube should be inserted by a suitably trained person as soon as possible. Prior to replacement check that the old gastrostomy tube is intact. If the tube is not intact, the Nutrition Nurse Specialist or a doctor must be informed immediately
Record type, size, batch number, & date inserted, volume of sterile water used to inflate the balloon. Contact the home enteral feeding team to arrange delivery of ancillaries, arrange appointment for routine tube change
a suitably trained individual may attempt to unblock the tube by flushing with clean warm water in a large volume enteral syringe, using a push / pull technique
massage the length of the tube between finger and thumb
use cooled boiled or sterile water (from a freshly opened container) for children under the age of 12 months, or those who are immunocompromised
if initial attempts to unblock the tube are not successful try flushing the tube with fizzy soda water, and leave in place for 30 minutes
when the blockage has been freed, flush the tube with warm water using a push / pause technique
if the tube is unable to be unblocked refer to Nutrition Nurse Specialist or PEG Link Nurse
always inform a doctor or Nutritional Nurse Specialist prior to further action being taken
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